Happy Friday friends! Who agrees with me that all weeks should be 4-day work weeks? We spent our Memorial Day by hiking the mountains, hitting the grill and
Friday Faves
Happy Friday to you friends! Who is ready for a 3-day Memorial weekend? BBQs, some hiking and maybe even a picnic to break in my new picnic basket are on my
Friday Faves
This week's Friday Faves is brought to you by...Poppies! Orange. It's my favorite color. Poppies. One of my favorite flowers. If only they were willing to be
Friday Faves
I have bred a baker. "I love baking." Smudge made it official last night while baking key lime pies for herself and a friend. Because it was a Wednesday
Friday Faves
Happy T to the G to the I to the F! This week is ending on a bang. 5th grade maturation with Smudge (Oh, the groans and eye rolls at the mention of any
Friday Faves
I finally feeling like I'm in gaining control. It might be the warming weather. Or that I'm actually ahead on blog posts for once. Or that I passed on two
Friday Faves
This weekend I'm surfing the web from the bea-u-tiful Moab, Utah. Home to Arches National Park and our spring break / Easter among the red rocks! Because I'm
Friday Faves
Smudge was bound and determined to get some flowers in the ground. We compromised. It's what mothers learn to do. I'm nearly an expert at this point. While
Friday Faves
Today, spring has totally sprung! Unless you live on the East coast. And then, I apologize. Daffodils, the cheers and jeers of college basketball fans,
Friday Faves
This week, simply...was. I ignored the white/gold/blue/black dress hullabaloo without a sideways glance. I passed right on by the trainwreck that is The
Friday Faves
This week I spent $15 on a bag of Jelly Bellys for my Smudge. And I was totally okay with it because we were celebrating. Celebrating and trolling HomeGoods for
Friday Faves
I originally intended this week’s Friday Faves to be Valentine’s heavy, but to tell you the truth, I’m just about over the deranged doily holiday, and here we
Friday Faves
Hello Friday! And hello February! Welcome to the party of our so-called life. Man, I miss that show. Jordan Catalano. Swoon. I'm adding to my 2015
Friday Faves
Hey! It was my birthday. Thank you to so many of you who sent birthday wishes my way this week. It made my day to see posts, texts and even an old fashioned
Friday Faves
Welcome to Friday friends. Doesn’t it feel good to have nearly 2 weeks of 2015 under the belt that is hopefully getting a little looser each day? I for one
Friday Faves and (re)Solutions for 2015
Today I’m going to be getting real. Maybe even a little bit raw. Today I'm sharing more of my personal realities than I normally would. It’s the new year, so
Friday Faves Christmas Edition
‘Tis the last Friday Faves of the season because next week I’ll be prancing and dancing my way through all of the holiday jingles with my family. As of
Friday Faves
Last year for Thanksgiving we skipped the turkey, the stuffing and my beloved pumpkin pie and took off for a family vacation to Turks & Caicos instead.
Friday Faves
Happy Friday friends! This week was just perfect. And here it is Friday and I'm expecting the weekend to only deliver more of the same. As long as I am the
Friday Faves
Is it possible that the ghouls and garish amounts of candy that is Halloween was really only one week ago? I feel like there was a huge build up and then POOF!
Friday Faves
Hi-ho and happy Friday, friends. Thanks for dropping in and saying, "Hey!" Here we are, on the top of the heap of the holiday chain gang. Suddenly it's
Friday Faves
What a glorious season this fall has been. It’s already mid-October and snow has yet to hit the front yard and wreck all of the Halloween decorations Smudge and
Friday Faves and a Reader Survey
One thing I love about my job is the diversity. One day I'm shooting food for clients I love and consulting on magazine design for clients. The other
Friday Faves
Happy Friday and let's share some wine and cheese. You are making them part of your weekend, right? I'm planning on it, since I spent a day this week
Friday Faves
Happy Friday Faves, my friends. It's official. Fall has arrived. Two days in and I'm talking about the weather on the blog again like the old boys playing
Friday Faves
Happy Friday friends. How was your M-TH that's so much better now that your looking F-S-S square in the eye? I thought so. My week started off with a definite
Friday Faves
Hello friends, loved ones and partners in crime. Thanks for taking time out of your day to visit this little slice of the web called FoodieCrush. I love to
Friday Faves
It’s been a full week of back to school and, man oh man! I think we’ve all actually survived. The alarm went off without a hitch every day, Smudge made her
Friday Faves
Each peanut M&M equals walking the length of one football field? Tell me it isn't so! My Smudge informed me of this random urban legend (?) after we
Friday Faves
Happy Friday friends! Last weekend I spent some quality time with 14 of my college friends on a girl getaway to Las Vegas, eating jello shots, eating good
Friday Faves
What's inside matters. People, places, things, food. No matter what it looks like on the outside, the inside is where it's at. I think we all have a tendency
Friday Faves and Summer Sips
This week started with the end of a bang-up vacation in sunny Venice, CA and flowed into the trip of a lifetime to spectacular Cordova, Alaska. Sadly, just