There’s not much better than a 4-day work week. Unless it’s a 4-hour work week. Or a vacation. Or to be a trust funder at the age of 27 so you can jet off to exoctic locals and bring all of your friends.
In This Post
Okay, the 4 day work week will have to do for me.
We headed to Capitol Reef in Southeastern Utah for a weekend escape where my man sang in the band, we hiked and hiked and swam beneath a 100 foot waterfall, and we ate a lot of smoked trout.
Smoked trout. It’s good. The weekend was good. Life is good.
And now it’s Friday. Whoop! Whoop!
This weekend I’ll be tailgating, soccer game cheering/sideline coaching and hopefully going through a bunch of crap in my closets that need to find a new home. Friends, it’s time to declutter so we can feather our nests and get ready to settle into winter.
But wait! Fall has still yet to arrive. Soon. Too soon.
But First, Thank You!
To everyone who took the time to take my 7 question survey last week about this little section of my blog called Friday Faves, a heart felt THANK YOU! I truly appreciate the feedback and the fact that you took the time to fill me in on what’s rolling around in those pretty little heads of yours.
So what did I learn? Here are the questions I asked and a quick view of your answers:
Q1: How do you usually find your way to FoodieCrush’s weekly list of Friday Faves?
55% of you visit because you’ve signed up to be alerted to each new post by e-mail. Thank you! If you haven’t yet, sign up here.
25% stop by because it’s Friday, and you love your Friday Faves. And 20% more visit thanks to your RSS feeds.
Q2: What do you enjoy discovering most from the content on Friday Faves?
A whopping 92% of you chose recipe links as one of your top 3 favorites, with 66% liking cooking tips, tricks and hacks, 49% digging random funny finds and Top 10 rounds ups and fashion links rounding out the top 5.
Q3: Do the recipe photos after the lists motivate you to click over and see more, or would you rather just have the recipe link?
90% of you said, “Yes! I like the recipe photos.” So they’ll be here to stay. Funnily enough, you guys consistently click through the more “teaser” recipe links at the top of the page instead of the links with the photos. You guys like to be baited. Or not? Tell me in the comments below, or better yet, click through the links to see the recipes live and in person. Er, live and online. Whatever…you know what I mean.
Q4: Do you wish the lists were shorter?
I heard a resounding “no” with 78% chiming in on keeping them just like they are.
Q5: Do you want to see a mix of Heidi’s life adventures along with the list of Friday Faves or just deliver the Friday Faves?
55% of you like it just the way it is, with 27% saying they’d like more. Let’s just make a deal that some weeks will be more, some will be less because I don’t lead that exciting of a life anyway.
Q6: I’ve been thinking of making Friday Faves an exclusive subscriber only email. To receive the email you would need to sign up for my newsletter and it would then be delivered straight to your inbox in it’s entirety. This would mean it would no longer be published on the web, only received via email. What do you think of that idea?
You voted and I heard. 63% of you voted to keep it the way it is, with 27% saying they liked that idea. For now, we’re keeping it just how you want it.
Q7: Are you a blogger?
The answer to this question made me giddy. 89% of you responded, “No.” Hey, you know I love the blogging community, but I’m thrilled to see that I’m connecting with readers who aren’t online, every day, all day, hopping from one blog to another. It makes me feel like I’m doing my job as a resource because you guys are apparently coming here because you want to.
As always, I’m here to serve.
Thank you again for your feedback.
If you have anything else to add, or something that is one of your favorites, please, tell us in the comments below. Or, you can always e-mail me at [email protected].
And now, back to our regularly scheduled Friday Faves.
Welcome to late the night gang Stephen Colbert, but when Fallon brings out JT, forget about your ratings because JT is the only man in the world who can pull off white tennis shoes and make them look TIGHT. Forever love. Plus, baby pics from him and Jessica! How cute is that lil’ boy!
Now this is one easy dessert just about anyone could pull off. You can have dessert for breakfast, right?
Is it too early for pumpkin, or too late for zucchini. Who cares? This cake is where it’s at!
This burger delivers my favorite ethnic flavors with hometown Americana. I’m so in.
Another weekend, another cinnamon roll I want to make. My list keeps growing and growing and growing and…
Smudge is OBSESSED with checking expiration dates. Me? Not so much. Now I can wrangle with her on the 5 foods that stay good past their expiration date.
These lunchboxes are classic! And I had #6!
Is my rosé habit ruining my teeth? Say it ain’t so!
I’ve followed her on Twitter forever, but I’ve been totally missing out on her Instagram. That’s been remedied. LOVELY!
While we were in Capitol Reef, we ate at this true farm to table restaurant, probably the true first in the state. It’s a Utah top 10. My man had The Hungry Haymaker with potato pancakes, eggs and these ridiculous biscuits and gravy TO DIE FOR while I had The Blaker Standard: Poached eggs on sautéed local greens with poblano sauce. Tasty.
It’s been 14 years today. This read is a reminder of what can happen when you least expect it. My Dad Got on a Plane to New York at 7 am On September 11, 2001.
Need a little new blog inspiration. Here are 5 to consider. I’m particularly wooed by hers.
OMG! Forget ombré, this is the best hair ever! Actually, I just want her swing.
A middle finger emoji! It’s coming!
What do you need to do to be successful? Follow these habits and you’ll be insanely successful, too.
10 awesome Etsy shops you need to know about. I love that blue speckled plate!
New York fashion week has descended upon us! Here’s where to follow all the names who deem what’s in and what’s out.
10 fall pieces under $25 you can wear now! I’d look pretty dapper in that Fedora.
21 ways to feel better when you’re stuck in a rut.
Long live the Queen. But really, aren’t you ready for Kate to take over, too?
Strappy to studly: 10 shoes for fall. I’m still holding out for a pair of last year’s Jeffrey Campbell booties I’ve yet to find online. Stay tuned!
Best Tweet of the week from @shihbakes:
Blog Biz Links
10 ways to promote your blog though social media. I always forget about LinkedIn.
How to use LeadPages to gain hundreds of new blog subscribers every week.
Pin It for the Win
So little time, so much goodness on the www. Here are a few recipe faves I pinned this week.
Strip Steak With Herbed Tomato Avocado Salsa
4-5 minutes on each side is all it takes for the perfectly cooked steak. But then, it couldn’t be any more perfect when you top it with tomatoes and avocados.
Super Easy Tag-Along Pound Cake
Can you tell I’m on a diet? I can because I’m pinning all the sweets! Okay. What else is new.
Lemon Roasted Chicken and Lemons
There’s not much I like better than a lemony roasted chicken. Potatoes seal the deal.
Make it a winner of a weekend friends, and cook something good.
As always, thank you for reading and for supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you. All opinions are always my own. Are you following me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest?
Thanks for reading and subscribe to FoodieCrush to have each post delivered straight to your e-mail box.
Laura (Tutti Dolci)
That pound cake! Wowza, just what my Friday needs!
Abby @ The Frosted Vegan
I love all the things you find for your Friday posts! That trip you took, oh man, it looks GORGEOUS. Totally jealous!
Amanda Paa
i missed the survey, but I love your friday faves! you always find such interesting stuff tucked away on the web. and delicious recipes. your little getaway looked awesome. i need to visit utah, you show the true beauty of it. xo
Yes, you need to come back during winter Amanda! It’s not quite like your trip to Hawaii, but gorgeous in its own right for sure.