Yesterday I was walking on Park City’s Main Street with a gaggle of food bloggers. I overheard snippets of Snapchatting their latest adventure and Pinning their latest post. And heaven forbid, did they remember to post a Facebook post at just the right minute before the hour?
In This Post
Then we got a phone call that changed our whole perspective. Thank you Kristin.
One of the foundations of food blogging, a woman who so many of us knew and respected online and off…she passed away yesterday morning. In her sleep.
What? How does that happen? “I just texted her yesterday.” “But, she’s in my Facebook group and we just messaged.” “She just shared my recipe on Twitter.” “But, how can this happen? She has three children!”
This isn’t any food blogger. This is a food blogger that has impacted a community. Not only bloggers, but also blog readers and 2.5 million Facebook followers.
This woman, she made an impact. Isn’t that the only thing any of us can wish for in the end?
I made the cake above for my husband’s birthday this week and I am here to vouch for it being the best yellow cake ever. Only to be outdone by this recipe for chocolate frosting. I don’t know if I’ll ever make it from another recipe. Ever.
It was made for him, but is now shared with Joan.
Rest in peace Joan. In some way, this cake photo is for your memory and Chocolate Chocolate and More. Thank you for all you did to make our community a better, and more helpful and inspiring place.
What you may have missed with FoodieCrush this week
If you’re like me, you’re all over the place, here’s a recap of what’s happened around here.
How to Make Fried Pizza ala Pizza Fritta
The Best Chewy Caramel Corn Plus 5 More to Crunch On
Plus, one of this week’s FC featured links: Healthy Slow Cooker Recipes You Need In Your Life
And with that, it’s time to dive deep into this week’s Friday Faves.
I mean seriously, could Bradley Cooper get any cuter? Drool. Thank you Ellen!
Pumpkin spice flavored products ranked worst to best.
Yep, I’m already thinking about Thanksgiving and this sounds so good!
I have a mac n’ cheese recipe coming your way soon, but seriously, THIS put me over the edge!
This is how you fancy up apples!
Pull out your crockpot for this Sunday dinner feast.
10 recipes that are only popular because of Pinterest. I mean, is frozen banana REALLY ice cream?
These little turnovers! Imagine making them “bloody” for Halloween.
What to do when a bunch of 15-year-old boys show up trick or treating at your doorstep. It isn’t what you think…
70 recipes you DO NOT want to miss. It’s a party!
Want to change your life? The 10 best podcasts every woman should know.
9 brilliant space-saving gadgets for your kitchen.
They’re nearly done, but still hanging on! The best spots in Utah to see fall leaves.
It’s a match! The perfect wine to go with your Halloween candy.
These Halloween DIYs…I LOVE those pumpkins.
9 iconic couples to dress up as for Halloween. #6. You’re the one that I want.
The only thing that could overshadow Back to the Future Day and the introduction of the of the first pair of self tying shoes was the release of the Star Wars trailer. But where is Luke Skywalker? #whereisluke Will you be paying $2,000 for a ticket to the first day opener?
We are obsessed with this at our house. It’s a TV watching game changer. Bye bye snuggie.
Well these would look cute on just about any dinner table.
We have these floors and I’ll never go back. If you’re remodeling or building, think about it.
A refreshing read: An open letter of apology to my thighs.
10 things a yoga teacher knows about you in the first 10 minutes. #8, who knew?
10 things to ditch in 10 minutes to be clutter-free.
Blog Biz Links
How to be successful on Pinterest
Vulnerability as a creative with Brené Brown
Pin for the Win
Here’s a few pins that caught my eye this week. Now they’re candy for yours!
Butternut Squash Gnocchi in Fontina Cheese Sauce
The real deal. And all the flavors of fall.
French Onion Chicken Sandwich
The vinegar tang marinade is what makes these gooey sandwiches gooooood.
Pumpkin Spice Pretzel Bites with Bourbon Maple Cream Cheese Dip
Soft, chewy and they take only 10 minutes to make. A dessert to impress!
Happy weekending friends, get into the kitchen and make something good.
As always, thank you for reading and for supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you. All opinions are always my own. Are you following me on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Pinterest?
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There is a reason why I bought a Mac, it was not to be one of the cool kids that wanted the best of the best. No it was because of the music production I do on it. Hours and hours sitting in front of my Mac copying, pasting, moving, deleting, hour after hour just beating on my Mac in a endless assault to get my work done. That is the key part, my work. I work from home, it is great, but even if it is from home it is still work and it still needs to get done. So my Mac, I have it because it is fast, gets the job done and comes back for more.
But what happens when it doesn’t want to do those things anymore?
I move around massive amounts of information and yes even on the almighty Mac this can cause a problem after a while. Things fragment, programs get corrupted issues come up. My light speed Mac slows down to a crawl and all of the sudden I simply can not get any work done. Because I work from home there is no IT guy to call and ask to come fix it. No instead I have to figure out what is wrong. I am lucky, I did, but not after trying everything under the sun first and wasting countless hours looking for one program that can do what I needed instead of ten programs. One program to lead them all….okay that was a lame Lord of the rings reference, but that program was/is Detox My Mac. A simple to use program that did not just fix my issues, it put my Mac on overdrive again. A few clicks and my Mac was clean and ready to rock and roll again.
Read more here:-
Saurabh Singh
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Just Images
Wow Very Nice Article , Thanks for Sharing Info .
Thanks for Sharing information ..
Bella B
That butternut squash gnocchi looks just utterly amazing!!! ♡♡
xoxoBella |
Kellie @ The Suburban Soapbox
The news of Joan’s passing is so devastating, I didn’t know her but I can’t imagine how her family and friends are dealing with her loss. So very sad.
But on a happy note, thank you so much for sharing my pretzel bites….these are definitely needed right now if you’re one to eat your feelings like I do.
Robyn | Add a Pinch
I’m still reeling from the news of Joan passing so suddenly! We roomed together earlier this year and to say I laughed harder than I remember in years would be a definite understatement! She was just a gift!
I hope your husband had a wonderful birthday and I’m so glad you enjoyed the cake.
Much love, my friend! xo
Happy Friday girl! I had a good laugh at that yoga post link…I totally look in the mirror – I’m a monster!!! lol. Also, I need to get some of those podcasts you mentioned!! xo
Sara @ Cake Over Steak
Thanks so much for sharing the pumpkin party!!!! xoxo