Hello hello and happy Friday! How in the world have this year's first 6 months literally flown by? It's astounding to me. I keep wishing time will sync
Friday Faves
Hello and happy Friday! We are in full grilling season over here and with July 4th right around the corner, there's definitely more to come. Last weekend's
Friday Faves
Hey hey and happy Friday. Welcome to Father's Day weekend. For me, my sister, and my mom it will be a bittersweet celebration because it will be the first
Friday Faves
Hello and happy Friday. My garden is in, and so far thanks to the atypical cool weather, it's growing, albeit slowly. But I'm okay with that because the
Friday Faves
Hey hey and happy Fri-YAY! This post is proof I practice what I preach. Earlier this week I shared an email with my newsletter subscribers (you can sign up
Friday Faves
Hi, hi, hi, and HELLLLLLO Friday! I've been vacillating back and forth on whether to bring this up on the blog or not, but since I ramble on about all
Friday Faves
Hello again, and look at that, it's Friday! Memorial Day is sneaking up on me fast. But, not to worry, the grill is ready to roll. Next week I'll be
Friday Faves
Hello and happy Friday! I consider myself a pretty stellar sandwich maker and have shared my favorite killer sandwich making tips here. However, yesterday
Friday Faves
Hello friends, and how about that? We made it to Friday. How is it possible we are already in May? Finally, the snow season is over! I'm planting my veg
Friday Faves
Hello hello and happy Friday. Well, well, well, look who finally decided to show up—the weekend! Oh sweet weekend, you're like a beacon of hope shining on
Friday Faves
Hello again and welcome to Friday Faves. Well, we made it through another tax season and just like everyone else, I'm glad to have made it through again.
Friday Faves
Hello hello and happy Friday. What a good day to be alive! We spent last weekend in the Palm Springs fun where it felt so good to get out and swing the
Friday Faves
Hey and happy Friday! Easter is upon us and with it a time for new beginnings. I love taking a moment for introspection. Time to assess where I am, who I
Friday Faves
Hello there and happy Friday! I've been on a roll. Got my teeth cleaned. Annual doctor visit scheduled. Mammogram, check! Called and made a dermatologist
Friday Faves
Hello and happy Friday! It's spring! And by the looks of my drive home last night from my parents, you'd never know it here in Utah. The snow won't stop.
Friday Faves
Hello hello and say hey to Fri-YAY! Last weekend's escape to Las Vegas was just what this over-winterized body needed. Sunshine, double rainbows, birdies
Friday Faves
Hello favorite friends, welcome to Friday. It's about to be a big weekend and with Daylight Savings hitting our calendar this Sunday, that means more time
Friday Faves
Hello hello and happy Friday. Well, I did it. I FINALLY did it! After two years of having this one item on my to-do list every single day, yes literally
Friday Faves
Hiya, and happy Friday Faves. We’re back again this week sharing some of the interesting things we found on the web that you might like too. Here we go
Friday Faves
Hello again and happy Friday. We're back again this week sharing some of the interesting things we found on the web that you might like too. The
Friday Faves
Hello and welcome to Friday Faves. This list is where I share things from this week on the www that I thought were interesting and think you might too.
Friday Faves
Hey, hey, it's Friday! Each week I make a list of things I discovered on the world wide web I liked that I think you might like too. Welcome to Friday
Friday Faves
Hello friends. It's Friday! Here we are, another week and another Friday Faves. Do you know I've been creating these lists since 2011?? That's every Friday
Friday Faves
Hi there! Happy Friday! There are so many reasons to feel good right now. It's a new year. Many of us are still rocking the resolutions and focusing more
Friday Faves
Hello and happy Friday. So far I've been doing a capable job of keeping on task for my NY goals and intentions. How about you? Reading more. Check!
Friday Faves
Hello and happy Friday. Is it too late to say Happy New Year or do we get a full week to really cement the sentiment? According to this guy, the cut-off
Friday Faves
Hello and happy last Friday of the year! The end of the year has me in a bit of a fit. On one hand, I'm ready for the fresh start a new year always
Friday Faves
Hello hello and happy almost Christmas! We're all deckered up, behaving sweeter than candy canes, and sipping on all the festive drinks like this one to
Friday Faves
Hello hello and happy Friday Faves. First off, thanks to all of you who wished us a happy anniversary last week. We had a grand time celebrating it by
Friday Faves
Hey hey and happy anniversary Friday. You know how we all say life whizzes by in a flash? Well, this weekend is proof positive it's true because my
Friday Faves
Hellooooowwww again Friday, hello. Well, here we are. I've had my tree up for 2 weeks but the rest of my holiday decorating mojo has come to a full stop.
Friday Faves
HELLO and happy Friday! I hope you had a lovely Thanksgiving however you happened to spend the day, and here's my cheers to the people and things each of