Before I talk about today's recipe, I want to send my heartfelt thoughts to those that were affected by the bombing yesterday at the Boston Marathon finish
Quinoa and Avocado Chimichurri Salad for Food Bloggers Against Hunger
One out of every two children is on some sort of food assistance today. Families are living on a daily food budget of three dollars a day for an entire family.
Spinach and Artichoke Grilled Cheese and Grilled Cheese Academy’s Recipe Showdown
If you hadn’t noticed, I sort of have a thing for cheese, especially grilled cheese. Yes, I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to the grilling of the
Burrata and Roasted Asparagus and Tomato Salad
You won't find any lettuce in this mouthwatering Mediterranean-inspired salad with fresh burrata, roasted asparagus and tomatoes, toasted French bread, and
Roasted Kale and Fennel Salad with Avocado Caesar Dressing Plus 20 More Kale Recipes to Love
I succombed to peer pressure. I jumped on the bandwagon. I’m intoxicated with the sweet promise of a new fangled and healthy twist on one of my favorite
Spinach and Feta Hand Pies
This Sunday marks the end of winter. Well, not officially by way of the calendar and moon, but our governing officials have deemed it the end of winter whites
Roasted Butternut Squash Butter Lettuce Salad with Spicy Avocado Dressing
Let’s talk about getting skinny. Ugh. The worst. Maybe we shouldn't. It’s been a winter of cocooning, hibernating and grazing. What else is one to do when
Chicken Tzatziki Pizza
I’m always keeping an eye out for a nugget of inspiration to create a new recipe, whether it’s from a local restaurant, a TV show, old family favorites or from
Mexican Turkey Meatball Sandwiches with Avocado Smash and Game Day Sweepstakes
Enter Avocado from Mexico’s Game Day Sweepstakes via FoodieCrush here. See what you might win and details at the bottom of this post. I’m just saying it now.
Chipotle Shrimp Burritos with Simple Avocado Crema
These delicious and filling Chipotle shrimp burritos are stuffed with smoky chipotle shrimp (with just the right amount of heat), rice, and a cool and
White Bean and Pumpkin Pork Chili Recipe
Top buns. Ombre. Glasses that don't really have lenses but make you look smart. It's all about what's hot at the moment. But don't be fooled, fashion isn't the
BLT Grilled Cheese plus 10 More BLT Inspired Recipes
No it's not over yet. You may have thought after last week's post of Pasta with Marinated Tomatoes Plus 55 Fresh and Tasty Tomato Recipes, you may have thought
Balsamic Skirt Steak Salad with Stone Fruit
I just stepped out of the orchard. No, I mean literally, I just stepped out of the orchard. Today I stepped out of a van, into a picturesque Oregon orchard,
It’s Just a Simple Cottage Cheese Sandwich
This sandwich incited a near riot in our house. After asking which image G-Dawg thought looked best for the opening shot for this post, my husband nearly
Kale and Cabbage Coleslaw with Marcona Almonds
I'm into layering. Not just in my clothing options—yes, I'm a big fan of piling on the tank, then the shirt, then the sweater, jacket or blazer—but also when it
Truffled Mushroom with Prosciutto and Tallegio Grilled Cheese
It's almost over. My weekly ode to the grilled cheese will soon be on hiatus until next April. If you missed my Sweet Pear and Rosemary Honey with Havarti
Sweet Pear and Rosemary Honey with Havarti Grilled Cheese
Grilled Cheese Sandwiches. They're not just for lunch anymore...and National Grilled Cheese Month continues. This past weekend was a rainy one, where the clouds
Honey Smoked Ham with Fig Spread Grilled Cheese
There are few meals in my life that once I light upon them become an obsession. The humble grilled cheese is that sandwich. No matter what form, no matter what
Turkey and White Cheddar with Caramelized Onion & Grape Grilled Cheese
Hallelujah and haul out the tambourines. It’s National Grilled Cheese Month! Grilled cheese. A brilliant choice by whoever is the event-of-the-month
Craving > Spicy Hominy and Chicken Soup for SoupaPalooza
It's been one sorry, sorry, SORRY winter for snow. Usually by this time of year I've had my snow shovel out at least 8 times and have created at least 4
Pork Belly Sliders and Recipes for Superbowl Bites
I have a long tradition with the Superbowl, and most of them I even remember past the 3rd quarter. Now let me just say, in my defense, those memories usually
Green Beans and Shiitake Mushrooms Plus 5 Simple Thanksgiving Sides
The stories are what I remember the most. Everyone gathered around my Grandma Mary Jane's dining table set with her best crystal and china—that I now have. The
Avocado and Tomato Salad
After an amazingly late summer start thanks to one of the rainiest springs we've had in a long time, my harvest is finally coming on. Once I bite into
Miso Ramen Noodles
Today we're announcing the winner of the Peko Peko, Family Friendly Japanese Cuisine cookbook giveaway. But first, a big round of thanks to the hard working and
Pho Ga Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup
While the rest of the U.S. is checking out cherry blossoms or putting their spring seedlings in the ground, in my neck of the woods the groundhog lost his GPS