I just stepped out of the orchard. No, I mean literally, I just stepped out of the orchard. Today I stepped out of a van, into a picturesque Oregon orchard,
Brined and Grilled Pork Loin Roast with Balsamic and Raspberry Chili Glaze
This week has definitely been one for the record books. Thank you, thank you for all of your amazing support of—and eyeballs on—the launch of the Summer 2012
Honey Sriracha Chicken Wings
It's officially here. Summer! The best part: swimming with my Smudge, backyard barbeques and playing outside 'til the night sky glistens with stars as
Grandma’s Scrambled Egg Recipe
I have a love/hate relationship with Daylight Savings Time. I love it for giving me more time to do “fun stuff”—verses "boring stuff"—with Smudge, like
Craving > Spicy Hominy and Chicken Soup for SoupaPalooza
It's been one sorry, sorry, SORRY winter for snow. Usually by this time of year I've had my snow shovel out at least 8 times and have created at least 4
Pork Belly Sliders and Recipes for Superbowl Bites
I have a long tradition with the Superbowl, and most of them I even remember past the 3rd quarter. Now let me just say, in my defense, those memories usually
Lobster Etouffee and 5 Cajun Crustacean Recipes
Baby its cold outside and I’m ready for some heat. So this big mama is pointing my cookin’ compass to ‘Nawlins baby! My first intro to real New Orleans cooking
Green Beans and Shiitake Mushrooms Plus 5 Simple Thanksgiving Sides
The stories are what I remember the most. Everyone gathered around my Grandma Mary Jane's dining table set with her best crystal and china—that I now have. The
Pumpkin Gnocchi with Hazelnut Browned Butter and a Magazine Sneak Peek
So happy for the weekend, and wow. Just wow. This fall has been a gorgeous one. There’s almost nothing I love more than fall light–how does it actually warm you
Swordfish Skewers and a Skewer Recipe Round-up
Pool side. Sunshine. Beers before it's 5 o'clock somewhere. Yup, it's Labor Day. I'm taking advantage of one of the last official days of summer to put my
Grilled Pizza and 3 Recipes to Keep You Out of the Kitchen
Baby it's hot outside. Dog days of summer. And just another excuse to fire up the grill. And a little rescuing was what I was in need of, rescue from the same
Miso Ramen Noodles
Today we're announcing the winner of the Peko Peko, Family Friendly Japanese Cuisine cookbook giveaway. But first, a big round of thanks to the hard working and
Pho Ga Vietnamese Chicken Noodle Soup
While the rest of the U.S. is checking out cherry blossoms or putting their spring seedlings in the ground, in my neck of the woods the groundhog lost his GPS