Happy Friday friends! Who’s ready for some link love? #raisinghandhere
You know why I’m so ready? Because it’s been a week. A week where we had so many things scheduled, and then some fell out and some pushed through, and it just ended up being a big, big week.
Monday was all about me and my girl. We volunteer with the National Charity League (aka NCL) where moms and daughters volunteer together. Daughters learn what it means to lead, be a part of a group, and give to others. Moms lead, mentor, and give to others.
The National Charity League is a sorority of sorts, and while I was a college sorority girl, it still took me a minute or three to get my head in the game. And now, I’m so glad I did. Being a part of this group is an awesome motivator to get involved with my community and realize how much opportunity there is to influence those in need, and influence young women who need a guiding hand.
Monday night was the annual NCL Ticktocker Tea. Breakfast at Tiffany’s was the theme. We talked about manners and gratitude. Gratitude to yourself and others. How could I not get behind that??!!
Tuesday night my man’s big night. His hey-let’s-get-the-band-back-together-after-20-years was opening for Corey Feldman’s band. Yes, THAT Corey Feldman. With the waves Feldman has been making of late, here in SLC, the show became a big deal. The tickets were sold. The guest list was made. The merch was lined up. But we knew better. Why would Feldman cancel all his other shows across the country and still play SLC??? We were just waiting for the other shoe to drop. And it did. And Corey F-ing Feldman cancelled on Monday night before Tuesday’s show. Oh man! So disappointing for my man and all the hard work the Big Facers put into this show.
But good news! That meant that, YEA! I didn’t have to re-schedule my colonoscopy for Wednesday. Ugh. #thisisfifty
Colonoscopy. It’s the word that makes anyone cringe. Because seriously, who wants to talk about someone else poking their poop?
Everyone talks about how bad it is. And not necessarily because of the procedure, but the prep. So when I told my 13 year old Ali Smudge I was thinking of sharing my prep process on my Instagram stories because it’s that dark little secret I want to know more about so I bet others would too (how bad is it really? tell me so I can prepare!) she absolutely, positively, forcefully and enthusiastically said…that is NOT a good idea.
But I shared it on Instagram anyway. Because seriously…how could the prep be worse than being told you have cancer…especially if it’s too late?
And guess what? It was one of the best things I feel I’ve shared online. Because it was real life. It shared the dirty side. Literally. And the experience wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought, and I let others experience it with me. NOT ALL OF IT! I’m not that gross. But just enough to shield them but inform them.
Now my mom will disagree. She had a rougher time with the prep. But she’s still thankful she has the opportunity to do it. Hopefully, any exposure brings awareness to a preventative health measure we can all take to live healthier, and longer lives.
Pap smear. CHECK! Colonoscopy. CHECK! Mammogram. Scheduled! Again…#thisisfifty
The comments on my Instagram post were plentiful and heartfelt, and totally worth my daughter’s cringe and any initial reluctance I had in sharing. And some of them simply broke my heart and warmed it at the same time.
- @utopiary4u Unlike you, I waited until it was too late. Colonoscopy at 51 discovered Stage 3 Rectal Cancer. Two Rounds Chemo/Radiation/Surgery/Re-section surgery I tell everyone: Get your Colonoscopy at 50…it’s NOTHING compared to a cancer diagnosis!
- @mamaribar commented: Just had my first colonoscopy. I joked that it was my 50th bday present to me. It was! Had polyps removed, one was big, non-cancerous but happy I didn’t wait. Get checked. It’s not as bad as people make it out to be. It’s worth it!
- @kim_nort Excellent PSA. My Mother passed away 19 years ago this week at 55 years old of colon cancer, not diagnosed until advanced stage 4. Your post is 👍 Thank-you and congrats! Eat all the cookies!!
- @breehester commented: Good for you. I did it a few years ago and even wrote a TMI post about it. Totally doable and 1000% needs to be done.
- @ameliattack commented: This makes me feel better. My Dad passed away from colon cancer 6 years ago and so I’ll be starting my screenings 10 years sooner than usual. You’re exactly right; that drink is nothing compared to how important it is to detect something early.
Hey, I’m no Katie Couric, but it made me feel good to share openly, and with no filters. Ew. As if you could filter that!
But enough about me…Let’s move out of the poop chute, and get into this week’s list of Friday Faves.
I got so caught up in me and my week, I forgot to mention this week’s awesome news!
The 2018 Nourished Planner
We will be shipping the 2018 Nourished Planner starting next week! On Monday I received 1 sample copy of each size (8 ½″ X 10″ and 6″ X 7″) and I am SO EXCITED to share it with you! It’s new! It’s improved! But it has so much of the same essence that made last year’s planner a sell-out success.
Like last year, we are only printing a limited number. So once they’re gone, they’re gone.
Guys, this is a totally self-funded project. We aren’t some big publishing house machine where we have a huge team of people who can rob Peter to pay Paul. This comes from the bottom line and we want to share it with you, because we KNOW! Once you live with this planner, your life will change, become more organized, add inspiration and be better all around!
So to celebrate that the planers are about to ship, we’re offering a special discount. This weekend only, we are cutting our shipping rates to a flat $5 flat rate shipping from Friday to Monday morning.
Check out what you’re missing in your almost-organized, about to be-inspired life here.
Okay, really… now…here’s your Friday Faves.
I love Anne Lamott, and I loved reading this.
22 books on Reese Witherspoon’s reading list. I’ve got my work cut out for me!
I’m not a total space geek, but these photos of Jupiter are insane, out of this world, even. ;P
My sweet friend Jessica just had a baby, and I think she may be one of her best recipes yet. Congrats, Jess!
These email and text fails really made me LOL. Has this ever happened to you?
Loving all the new emojis (finally, a pie emoji)!
speaking of…
Here’s a pie I’ve got my eye on. My fave fruit flavors.
Foolproof, flaky pie crust. I’m there.
Thanksgiving dinner…made entirely on two sheet pans! That’s how you DO THAT!
Buttermilk blue cheese mashers. Making these again for turkey day.
Seriously craving this one-pot mac and cheese. Come to mama.
This slow cooker chicken dinner looks pretty fantabulous. I mean, hello…BACON!
Noodles and meatballs, a match made in heaven. (and I need to get the cookbook!)
Would you ever try dessert hummus? Not sure about this one…
What about these Thanksgiving-themed ice creams?
5 side dishes to sidle up to this Thanksgiving:
- Brussels Sprouts Gratin
- Za’atar Roasted Fingerling Potatoes with Yogurt Tahini Sauce
- Parker House Rolls
- Green Beans with Pancetta and Hazelnuts
- Potato Bread Sausage Cranberry Stuffing
And, if you’re hosting Friendsgiving this year, here are some great tips.
This actual home made out of LEGOS. Seriously, how did they do that???
And so is this underwater restaurant. Too. freaking. cool.
Travel time is here. The best airport restaurants in the US. Bookmarking!
Everyone is fawning over the Chip & Joana Gaines’ Target collection, and sure, there’s some good stuff…but this line is so much more my style. What about you?
This is the candle that’s giving my favorite Anthropolgie candle a run for it’s money…it’s so much cheaper, and they say, nearly the same. Ordered.
Crushing on this gorgeous flatware.
These holiday travel mugs are super adorable.
The print of this pretty little dress reminds me of Rifle Paper Company. Fresh. Flirty. Fun.
I can totally see this cute shift dress at a holiday party with a red headband and some bright red lipstick! (plus, can’t beat that price).
Okay, I know I’m on a dress kick, but just give me one more!
You’ll feel all the cozy feels in this swing dress (bonus: it has pockets)! Use code CHEERS for 20% off.
Just put these pretty little earrings on my Christmas wish list.
I am totally into capes, and this cape scarf would do double duty all winter long.
Sur La Table has the best food ornaments (totally want them all), starting with this cute avocado toast ornament.
I’m pretty sure this doormat is going to have to be included in this year’s wish list…as if anyone who came to my front door wouldn’t know it…they’re why I don’t need a doorbell.
Also, this top—it’s my color…and those sleeves!
Okay then, my fellow Friday Favers, wishing you have a stellar weekend full of delicious eats!
As always, thank you for reading and supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you. All opinions are always my own.
Thanks for reading and subscribe to FoodieCrush to have each post delivered straight to your e-mail box.
Craving more life balance, less stress, and better health? Check out my Nourished Planner, the daily planner to help create simplicity and under-schedule your life.
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter for more FoodieCrush inspiration.
There is a reason why I bought a Mac, it was not to be one of the cool kids that wanted the best of the best. No it was because of the music production I do on it. Hours and hours sitting in front of my Mac copying, pasting, moving, deleting, hour after hour just beating on my Mac in a endless assault to get my work done. That is the key part, my work. I work from home, it is great, but even if it is from home it is still work and it still needs to get done. So my Mac, I have it because it is fast, gets the job done and comes back for more.
But what happens when it doesn’t want to do those things anymore?
I move around massive amounts of information and yes even on the almighty Mac this can cause a problem after a while. Things fragment, programs get corrupted issues come up. My light speed Mac slows down to a crawl and all of the sudden I simply can not get any work done. Because I work from home there is no IT guy to call and ask to come fix it. No instead I have to figure out what is wrong. I am lucky, I did, but not after trying everything under the sun first and wasting countless hours looking for one program that can do what I needed instead of ten programs. One program to lead them all….okay that was a lame Lord of the rings reference, but that program was/is Detox My Mac. A simple to use program that did not just fix my issues, it put my Mac on overdrive again. A few clicks and my Mac was clean and ready to rock and roll again.
Read more here:- http://detox-my-mac.com?vhbshygdf398432
So behind on my favorite reads these last two weeks and so much to comment on in this post!
1. I love you, and yes BACON!! Thanks for that!
2. I had a colonoscopy THIS Tuesday at 35 (scare, but okay!) – and I can’t agree more, we should not be quiet about being vigilant about uncomfortable checkups!
3. The prep was the worst tasting thing EVER (I added Crystal Light lemonade powder and sucked on lemons after finishing each cup), but honestly it was worth it for peace of mind. Gotta be sure we are around for old age!
4. I showed my little girl the picture of you two from the NCL event and said, “do you want to go to fancy places with mommy and get dressed up together?!” and got a tearfully excited yes. Three days later we had a mall date, bought her a new dress and went to a fancy dinner (read: she ate fancy mac and cheese).
5. Can’t wait to get the planner in my hands!
So thrilled I got to spend so much time with you, you’re awesome. :)
Jessica Orika
You and your daughter look really great!
mansi desai
this is very nice posting for me and very important information in this posting
mansi desai
The 2018 Nourished Planner….PLEASE tell me your making more because I just found out about this today & they are all sold out. I really really need this planner in my life as I am a new mom & cannot seam to get organized. This sounds like the perfect organizing tool & I would do anything to get one!!!