Hello and happy 3-day-weekend, beginning-of-summer, let’s start-living-your-summer-bucket-list Friday!
So, are you one of those who sets out their summer goals and creates a summer bucket list of all of the fun things you hope to accomplish in three months time? It’s always a good idea to have a master plan, and bucket lists not only give you idea, they remind you to take time for yourself and others, too.
Bucket lists don’t have to be just for the kids to keep them busy, it’s time for adults to have some fun, because hey! We’re kids too!
Here are a few examples to help you get yours started here, here and here to get yours started. I am starting mine in the notes section of my phone so I can add to it when something hits me and I get inspired. Maybe I’ll have to do a post to share, and really commit myself!
So far my list is short, but I have plenty of things in mind, starting with:
- Read more, every single day, something entertaining but not online, nor from a magazine or business book. Like an ACTUAL NOVEL!
- Organize my stash of greeting cards.
- Start a Monday Funday where I take Smudge and her gal pals on some sort of fun adventure.
This week my husband took me on a day date. We go to lunch at least once a week together and this time hit up a new to us spot in Park City called Five5eeds (pictured above) where the hipster vibe is alive and well and breakfast is served all day. I had blackened shrimp tacos, he had a grass-fed organic cheeseburger and fries, but the best part of lunch was a fresh spring vegetable gnocchi soup. That’s the type of eats that’ll get us going back again and again.
Totally keeping day dates on the bucket list. What’ll be on yours? E-mail me back or let us know in the comments below.
But enough about me, let’s dig into this week’s Friday Faves! Enjoy!
This salad is SO MY SUMMER STYLE.
Alert! Another cinnamon roll recipe alert!
And like my obsession with cinnamon rolls, I’m obsessed with achieving the perfect hard boiled egg. This post is sure to help.
This grilled chicken is definitely on the summer bucket list.
These kebabs. Perfection.
She says this is the gateway to summer BBQ-ing. I’d have to agree.
Pudding cake? Sounds divine!
58 of the dumbest food orders ever.
These 3-ingredient cocktails are going to save my summer, because when I want a cocktail, I want it NOW.
I am totally going to have my daughter make this as a summer project. For me.
Temptation bundling: it sounds like such a smart plan to get through the crappy stuff by doing things you enjoy. I gotta try it.
This happens to my husband all the time.
Finally! We went to the first farmers market of the year here in our area, and our first stop was our favorite local, small batch ice cream maker. Her rocky road is INSANE! I shared this on my Instagram stories, are you following me there? It’s where I share many of my favorite spots to see, where to eat and what to do !!
Like I mentioned above, the number one thing on my bucket list is to read every.single.day. Not online. Not on my phone. Not magazines or business books. Just pure escapism. I asked my friend Caroline—a prolific reader—for suggestions, and now for your reading pleasure, here are her recs. Thanks Caroline!
- Today Will Be Different (also wrote Where’d You Go Bernadette? which she loved)
- Truly Madly Guilty (new Liane Moriarty for a summer read when life gets to be too much)
- Under Different Stars series (young adult meets mom’s who wish they were still young. Sci fi, love triangle, young female lead, total guilty pleasure.)
And, two more young adult series that were so well written:
As we grow older, we realize what’s most important. Why I don’t have time for fake friends.
If you’re a woman of ANY age, this is a must read.
As usual, I ran out of all my makeup at once. Here’s what I bought this week:
- This eyebrow pencil. I finally caved in to the hype because the make-up stylist’s brows were totally fab and he said it was a must. Now I know for myself why there’s the hype.
- This foundation, it covers well but is light enough for summer.
- My FAVORITE under eye concealer ever. I don’t know that I’ll ever switch.
- My favorite blush. Yes, the name accurately depicts the color.
- This mascara, which I’m not totally crazy about but I have to use waterproof so my eye lashes stay curled, and because I cry at the mention of anyone doing something awesome. So weird, I don’t cry when I’m sad, I cry when I’m happy for others. I am weird. Does anyone have a favorite waterproof mascara they love?
- This is STILL my most favorite addition to my make up bag in years.
- And now that it’s summer, it’s time for this sunscreen that my dermatologist says is the best.
These guys are the CUTEST! (and for such a great cause!)
We’re all given the same white walls to live within, but look what she did with hers!
Wait. This is a pool house? I’d be more than happy to live in it.
A comprehensive road trip checklist. Get it!
Camping and outdoor alert: The only thing you should do when a tick lands on you. Ew.
And there you have it! Have a great Memorial Day weekend friends, travel safe, and catch you on the flip side.
As always, thank you for reading and supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you. All opinions are always my own.
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i read your post i fell you have good writer carry n your work
Sara @ The Ravenous Housewife
Super great roundup! Hope your Memorial Day Weekend is amazing =)
Daniel Andrei
I made this today and I was blown away by the taste. It was so good!
That’s really great, the food looks so delicious .
That soup looks and sounds amazing!! Looks like a really cool restaurant. I really need to start getting out more and checking out local restaurants. We have some great places here.
I was using that brow pencil for a while then tried out one from Benefit. I think I like it even more than the ABH one, and I loved it! I’ve heard such great things about the Cover FX products but have yet to try them out. I should pick that up this summer. I’m always looking for new foundations to test. I really like the Clinique High Impact waterproof mascara. I tend to wear waterproof all the time because I get dark circles under my eyes from mascara being on my bottom lashes.
I’m lucky because I get to read a lot (no kids) but I’m constantly looking for a new series. You should check out Shatter Me. The writing is fantastic and the story is really engaging. YA books have become some of the best stories I’ve ever read.
Oh wow Amanda!!! So many great tips here, thank you SO much for sharing. I will check out the Benefit brow liner, I do love their product too and thank you for the mascara tip! I didn’t know Clinique did a waterproof version, and I certainly don’t need any help with getting more dark circles under my eyes, that’s for sure. And the book tip, thank you, I’m assuming it would be a good read for my 13 year old too?
Fun! Is it on Main Street? We usually go to the Park City Wine Festival in July…
Hi Mimi, it’s actually over by Park City Market, in the shopping center behind the liquor store. We go to PCFW too, isn’t that a fun event??!!!