Helloooooo and happy Friday friends!
In This Post
This is Aspen. She’s a big lug of adopted Great Pyrenees love, a great escape artist and one of my favorite dogs around. And she’s here to say, Happy National Dog Day!
Now, if you know me, you know I LOVE DOGS, so this is one national-lets-make-up-a-theme-for-a-day I am all in for celebrating. I mean, just take a look at these 10 hero dogs who while I’m sure are mushy, licky, lap dogs at heart, are truly deserving of being celebrated for their bravery, dedication and devotion. And if you don’t say, “AWWW” when you see Quasimodo, I have no words. Lassie ain’t got nothin’ on these poochers. GO DOGS!
And then there’s this sweet pup. I mean they’re the best!
But then, a collective sigh…because it’s just one more weekend away until we hit the big L-word weekend. Labor Day. Weep. It’s such a bittersweet weekend.
It means…the end of eating warm tomatoes straight from the vine. The aroma of coconut sunscreen floating in the air while you float in the pool. The trickle of sweat that drips down from behind your knees as you walk across the scorching parking lot and into Target. And spending warm evenings on our deck eating dinner with the family.
But what it brings…is the start of making soups and stews and all the comfort food. Tail-gate parties and costume planning. Wrapping up in the coziest of 2016’s fall sweaters and then cursing Mother Nature when she throws one more 86 degree day at you, just to keep you on your toes. And spending cool evenings on our deck eating dinner with the family.
Okay summer. I’m almost ready to say see you next year. Almost.
I’ve been in canning mode. There is just so much ridiculously good produce at the farmer’s market I simply can’t stop myself. We spent last weekend at our friend’s cabin high in the High Uintah’s of Utah, and I swear, the high altitude is PERFECT for baking and canning (I follow these instructions for high altitude canning) and I always have better success there than at my own home, which is STILL at nearly 5,000 feet.
My Killer Spicy Garlic Dill Pickles were first on the canning docket and then I made my friend Kelley’s recipe for raspberry jam (with no need for pectin!), subbing in vanilla bean for the jalapeño because Kelley told me to, and I do as her jammin’ ways say. And then I went BACK to the farmers market on Wednesday and bought 3 more flats from my favorite farmer (the ugliest ones are the sweetest he says, and he’s right!) and that night came home and canned 3 more batches. Success was mine.
My weekend goals for this weekend are soccer games with Smudge, pool time, dinner with the family and to get some of my favorite Dilly Beans done, and maybe a few more pickles to boot. Because at our house, you can NEVER have too many pickles. Or pie. I think I need to bake my dad this pie. Gotta keep my gardener happy!
Are you a canner? A jammer? I’m always looking for new ideas so I’d love to hear what your faves are. Share in the comments below!
And with that, let’s get to this week’s list of Friday Faves!
Okay, if you look at NOTHING ELSE on this list today, you have to look at what this mom does to her baby while she naps. IT IS THE CUTEST!
My kinda flatbread — plum, arugula, burrata — oh my!
This pizza…they’ll never realize it’s good for ’em.
Just put this one-pot noodle casserole on my “to-make” list, and I can’t. wait.
Drooling over these carrot cake cookie sandwiches with cream cheese frosting (of course)!
I would absolutely love a slice of this Peach Bellini Cake with a glass of champagne, preferably in the bubble bath, because, ya know, that’s how I do.
And because apparently I have a sweet tooth at the moment…
This gorgeous Almond Layer Cake with Peach and Mascarpone Filling & Raspberry Buttercream is flirting with me.
The trick to using this thickener in your homemade pie…Trying it asap.
Have you seen The Great British Baking Show yet? No? Well get on it! 6 tips from their best bakers.
I’m not sure if I’m ready yet for sweater weather and pumpkin mania, but I am always ready for checking out this list of new cookbooks hitting the shelves this fall.
Love this guide of 31 essential ingredients for no-cook meals, and I’m pretty sure it’s gonna be my salvation through the remainder of this summer.
This sweet billy goat got its own special serenade from an R&B singer…jealous.
This week the National Parks celebrates the big 100! I’m totally spoiled because 5 of the majors are right here in Utah, and I’ve been lucky enough to have visited four (like Arches National Park just outside of Moab, above) and am hitting my last one in just a few weeks. But from today thru Sunday August 28, if you visit any National Park, your entrance fees are waived. So GET OUT AND LIVE!! #GOAL
on that note…
You HAVE to see this video, it will totally make you want to go. Am I right or am I right???
Hold the phone! A movie about Barack and Michelle? I’ve already bought my ticket and popcorn.
My contributor Hayley is reading this food memoir, from this blogger and loving it so far. I just ordered it. Have any of you guys read it?
also…I need some good more reading recs!! If you have some, leave them in the comments below!
It’s time to cozy up to a big old bowl of ice cream and catch the 8 best new shows to stream on Netflix and HBO this fall,
Here’s what’s coming to Amazon Prime in September.
How to get the stains out, because, yeah…
I don’t even know where this place is, but this hotel could be in a desert oasis guarded by killer snakes and bugs and I’d still want to go. GORGEOUS!!
So I bought this new-to-me contour kit at Sephora because I saw the saleswoman putting it on another gal and she looked dy-n0-mite. But I’m such a makeup moron I didn’t know WHAT to do with it. This video totally helped and I ordered these brushes to make it happen. Watch out Kardashians!
This top makes me feel like I should be having coffee in a Parisian café while I wear it…oh, if only…
Love this nail color for fall.
Okay, I don’t know if I could pull this off wearing this jacket, but for $25, I think I might be willing to try.
Maybe I should stick to this cute and comfy cardigan in my shopping cart. I have a feeling I’ll be wearing it a LOT.
This mug gets me…like, really gets me.
Recipes I Pinned This Week
So much good stuff to wean ourselves off summer this week on my Pin boards. These are just a few I think you should add to your weekend too.
Cantaloupe Margaritas
This fruity and frothy deviation from the classic margarita is right up my alley.
Easy Burrata and Summer Squash Lasagna
I don’t ask questions when burrata’s involved. Also, this looks like the most low-maintenance lasagna ever. Sold!
Hazelnut Chocolate Chip Ice Cream
Hazelnuts, chocolate, and ice cream, these are a few of my favorite things…
Have a terrific weekend!
As always, thank you for reading and supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you. All opinions are always my own.
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Joey is the cutest baby on this earth indeed and her mom is super talented too. Thanks for sharing this. Look what I found here: http://www.sargamchoudhary.com/cute-sporty-outfits-ideas/
Gorgeous post . I’m satisfied to see your post .
Nail color link is not working.
Did you see the movie trailer for A Dog’s Purpose that comes out in January? It looks amazing!
Also I just did a book review post with some really good reads! I recommend Lilac Girls or It Ends With Us!
Laura (A Beautiful Plate)
Love you Heidi!!! I enjoy reading your Friday Faves so, so much!!! xo PS. That dog is adorable!!!! Is she really yours now?!
She’s actually our good friend’s puppers. But I’d have her in a heartbeet.
kathi @ Laughing Spatula
I wish I had the patience for canning…. I love picked anything and our farmers markers are fabulous! Okay, putting it on my list for ‘things to do next year’. Get off the golf course and into the kitchen!
I think you need to do both!
Phi @ The Sweetphi Blog
Please tell Hayley thank you for the book recommendation – going to purchase it right now! And canning – gah, I totally want to get into it, but I never seem to actually be brave enough to do it, but I’m now jonesing too!