Hello friends! And Happy Summer Fridays!
It’s one of the last warm evenings of June before we heat up in July and I’m sitting on my deck writing this week’s list of Friday Faves.
As the sun begins to set, I can hear the chirping of the birds courting one another as the neighbor’s lawn mower hums along a few houses below. But what is even louder in my ears is the tinkling sound of conversation, and laughter, and fellowship, drifting from the back deck of our neighbor’s home. Their festivity on this summer night has me chagrined and jealous and wishing I was them.
I don’t envy their home. I don’t envy the food I can smell cooking on their grill—although it does smell delicious (but not as good as ours above.) :)
What I do envy is the relaxed, happy times they are obviously sharing with one another, and the memories they’re making without even trying.
That’s why my goal for the month of July is to dedicate more time to fostering my relationships with friends, family, and definitely with myself.
As Alexa and I continue to craft next year’s publication of the Nourished Planner, I’m constantly reminded I NEED to take time away from the dominance work is in my life and take time away from the distractions of social media that are both fun to immerse myself in but way too absorbing at the same time. Which is pretty ironic because one of my other goals for this month is to get more personal on social media, and not only share more of “me” on my public FoodieCrush profiles, but also more of “me” on my personal Facebook page which is far too neglected due to the sharing I am compelled to do on my business accounts.
July is about to become my time to be more me.
What about you? What are you focusing on this July?
I love that I did this post last year. It’s a reminder of what I know I want to be doing, instead of what I think I should be doing.
In keeping with that post, here are 10 things I have on my bucket list for this coming July:
- Spend more time being a wife, a mom, and a daughter — and spend more time doing the silly fun stuff together
- Clean out my downstairs food storage area (it’s more of a chore, but if you saw it right now it would be on your list too!)
- Resurrect at least one reunion of our weekly friends night of sips and this card game (20 years wait has been waaaayyyy too long!)
- Movie night in the front yard — this portable movie screen is pretty cool, or I maybe I could DIY one like this instead (it’s not like this house with a painter husband doesn’t have enough 5-gallon paint buckets hanging around!)
- Cook from one of my favorite cookbooks just for fun at least once a week
- Bake a loaf of homemade bread (I may have to try this one!)
- Go to the farmer’s market once a week
- Keep up with the weeds in my garden (I know, it’s another chore but man, it feels good!)
- Photo shoot tour of downtown SLC with Ali Smudge
- Get 2019’s Nourished Planner to the printer
Okay, well, I think that’s nearly enough about me. Let’s hop on over to this week’s list of Friday Faves.
Dogs are cool. Good boy. Very good boy.
This week’s reason I may re-join Twitter. Puppy dog breath!
Okay! Okay! I will!
Inspirational quotes will have you living it up on the weekend so you’re able to get through the week.
7 things wealthy women do with their money that will have you feeling as flush as Beyoncé.
The quarter-life crisis is real — and how to get over it.
This Barbie teaches girls to code. Barbie, you are on point!
I TOTALLY want to see this show! #justagirlvegas
but on the flip side…
I SERIOUSLY have questions about this…I mean, 54???!!! Not for me, no way.
A mobile airbag for your mobile phone? This kid is a genius!
Whoa! Her cookbook shot to #1 on Amazon in just hours! (and I’ve already pre-ordered mine)
Things that happen when you decide to host a party. Pretty funny and sadly a bit too true.
DIY sparkler cupcake toppers. They’d be so cute on my 4th of July cake pie!
These DIY wood platters are heavenly, literally :)
As if avocados could get any better, these do!
This pasta salad’s dressing gives a new twist to a fave standard.
I’ll take my chicken with tinga, please! LOVE it baby! (+ 3 ways to enjoy!)
Oh yes. This is a must make recipe for every salmon lover.
Watermelon water. How easy is that?
Who wouldn’t want a slice of this slab cake for the 4th of July?!! Love it.
Banana zucchini cake that is still rocking the diet plan. YES!
I’m liking this bowl with everything but the eggroll.
Bucket list alert: How to host an Italian brunch — rosé included of course!
I’ve been reading this book and I’m liking it’s philosophy of automating everything to save/make money. Check out this video (it’s on podcast too) for an intro to the philosophy.
How buying a bigger house can actually save you money. Interesting.
If I still had a little one, I’d totally be asking my husband to build us this playhouse. How cute is that? (and the little model might even be cuter!)
If you’re a gnome lover like me, you’ll love this list.
If you want bees buzzin’ your vegetable garden, plant these.
I’m still on the wide leg pant kick and saw these in-store and they are dang cute!
When you work alone all day, these help a lot. :)
Slathering this all summer long –> my fave SPF lip balm in coconut.
These outdoor pillows would look muy bueno on my outdoor sectional (and it’s on sale!)
So the Nordstrom anniversary sale starts in just over a week and this dress is so on my wish list.
but until then…
I’m sticking with my summer sundress staple.
Okay, so that’s it for this week. Next week look for what to make all July long, the must-make recipes for your 4th of July and a classic summer salad staple!
Have a great weekend friends, and be sure to get in the kitchen or get on the grill and cook something good!
As always, thank you for reading and supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you. All opinions are always my own.
Thanks for reading and subscribe to FoodieCrush to have each post delivered straight to your e-mail box.
Learn more about my printed day-planner Nourished Planner here, and sign up for free, emailed weekly meal plans.
Follow me on Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter for more FoodieCrush inspiration.
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There is a reason why I bought a Mac, it was not to be one of the cool kids that wanted the best of the best. No it was because of the music production I do on it. Hours and hours sitting in front of my Mac copying, pasting, moving, deleting, hour after hour just beating on my Mac in a endless assault to get my work done. That is the key part, my work. I work from home, it is great, but even if it is from home it is still work and it still needs to get done. So my Mac, I have it because it is fast, gets the job done and comes back for more.
But what happens when it doesn’t want to do those things anymore?
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Read more here:- http://detox-my-mac.com?vhbshygdf398432
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Great Recipe
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