Easter is still a few weeks away so for us, spring break came early this year. Usually it bookends Easter so the school district can stretch it all out and let the sugar high of Mr. Easter Bunny’s deliveries wear off.
But for some reason, this year Smudge’s school district thought 10 days off was a great idea. 10 days! Not the usual 4 days, oh no. In theory, I think 10 days is great. As long as with a chunk of time like that, we have somewhere to go and new memories to make.
We thought about a trip to Tennessee. Then pondered a jaunt to So Cal. But when a few of Smudge’s friend’s families let us know they were planning on heading down south to Southern Utah and glorious Zion National Park, the National Park that millions of people a year set as a must-see destination, we said, “Let’s do this.” Heck, Jennifer Connely was even touting the dare devilness of Angel’s Landing last week on Seth Myers.
But see, I’m a native Utahn. And yet my first time to Zion was a drive-thru the park when we came back from Scottsdale 2 years ago. For shame.
Shame on me for never taking advantage of one of the United States top 5 national parks that’s only 4 hours from my front door. But then there’s also Arches, Bryce, Canyonlands and what about all of those ski resorts and even Moab I have to fit onto my dance card?
I may have my Utah creds revoked with this confession.
So we lit out and made a foray of it. I mean, how much more fun can a 9 year old have than spending 4 consecutive days with her best buddies playing in the dirt, searching for the perfect walking stick to run rampant with, riding a stinky old mare and then cleaning yourself off with a dip in the pool?
And who cares if it’s snowing while you’re kicking it for spring break? Wait. Oh man. There I go again, talking about the weather, so I won’t.
And BTW, what about this horse?
I mean, I may have my mothering cred revoked now too, after letting her ride this old mare with teeth bared and tongue ready to lick her leftovers because it looks like she might eat my Smudge instead of trotting along with her.
Or maybe Tiny the horse is actually smiling with a big old tongue wag in agreement that Smudge is just that swell. Because, well, she is.
Either way, this whole week was a time to slow down, take time off, disconnect and just get out. My advice to you? Get out and create memories for yourself and for your kiddos. Because who’s going to remember that blog post you were supposed to post or that e-mail that got sent a day late anyway? Not this kid. And not me either.
And now…Let’s do this Friday Faves thing. Okay?
So we were late getting out of town, but I assured our friends I’m a fast driver and would catch up in no time. And thennnn…somebody got caught going a little bit-18-miles-over-the-speed-limit and saw the po-lice car lights a-flashing in the rear view. I unknowingly used #1 and #2 of these tips and luckily, I was sent on my way with just a stern and justifiable warning. Yeah, they thought it was pretty funny.
It was only a matter of time now that Jimmy has taken over late night. But I will still miss Dave. I feel sorry for his replacement.
I love, love, love having 10 minutes that turns into an hour and get lost in this blog where I come away inspired and with a whole new set of girl crushes.
Meal share plans. Are they for you? Only, IMO, if you have neighbors who are good cooks.
It seems like I have seen this minimalist modern rug everywhere these days. It’s almost as wanted as the Fiddle Leaf Fig trees that have dotted every blog and well-vetted home magazine photo shoot. I bought a Fiddle Leaf so I could hang with the cool kids (you can see it here), maybe I need to join the rug fray. No pun intended.
So, we all have our favorite chocolate chip cookies. I made some this week to bring on the road trip. But what makes one better than the rest? For every cookie recipe developer out there, this is a must read of the science behind the baking of cookies.
This super cute online paper shop has my mouse poised to buy, buy, buy. I am such a sucker for designs on paper. I think this poster is my favorite.
These coasters…Just one more reason to drink up.
I’m totally digging this behind the scenes post with a Cook’s Illustrated Kitchen test cook. There are some serious secret gems in there, like how much he relies on this $5 cook knife. I just bought mine. Who-da thunk?
The bain of every bakers existence: The secret to baking flat cake layers is right here,
These cake stands are so flipping cute!
For chefs, this must be like standing naked in front of a room full of people. Take a look inside the fridges of 11 top NYC chefs here. Looks like the party line is plenty of chilled champagne, Miller High Life and PBRs and cats who steal from the fridge.
For you office nomads, this is a much prettier alternative to boring old Powerpoint presentations.
I want to build a succulent wall garden. Er, correction, have my husband build a succulent wall garden.
What do Utah and Los Angeles have in common? Besides the fact I’ve been a resident of both? They’re taking the driver’s seat and becoming no-kill states/city and I love it.This read had me hooked from the first paragraph. A beautiful ode to how a passion for cooking can indeed save a life.
19 hard things you should be doing to be successful. Here.
Sorry guys, no recipe favorites this week because I HAVEN’T BEEN COOKING and there’s still more spring breaking to be doing. Rest assured, no bikinis here unless they’re on 9 year olds…
Next week I’ll be back with April’s 5 Blogs I’m Following Now. There’s still time to intro me to some new ones in the comments below.
Happy April friends, no fools.
As always, all opinions are my own. Thanks for supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you.
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Hey there! Thanks for the mention! We started the meal share plan in January 2014 and we are still going strong! Used one of your recipes for it (tripled) too and we are always surfing for more!
I’m way behind on this — but thank you for your kind words about my paper products!! LOVE IT. I think I need to check out the science of cookies…. riiiight now.
Jennie @themessybakerblog
I can’t get over the face on that horse. Funny and creepy. It looks like you had a great time!
Kate @ Veggie Desserts
Thanks for introducing me to so many great things! A peek inside the fridges of chefs? AMAZING! I’m soooooo nosy, so this is perfect. Going to pour a coffee and have a proper good look.
Great post.
I need to get over to Zion next time I’m in Utah. I always have heard such amazing things about it!
As always, love Friday Faces. Off to read the zillion open tabs I have from this post!
Good for you for finally making it to Zion- such a beautiful spot. Glad you got a week off and relaxed. Happy weekend, sweet lady!
Emily @ Life on Food
That poster is so cute. I think I may just have to get one.
Found a couple ‘nips on that Girlcrush site, might label it NSFW. Good thing I’m in an office. XD
Kathy @ Olives & Garlic
That horse is hilarious. At first I thought it was smiling for the camera but then I saw the tongue. Makes for an awesome picture.
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat
What a fun way to spend the week! I love checking out your Friday Fave posts. Regarding the meal share plans – if YOU were my neighbour, I’d totally sign up! ;) And now you’ve got me trying to come up with reasons to make a presentation using Slid.es because it looks so beautiful. Happy Friday!