Classic dark chocolate brownies from Chelsea Market's famed Fat Witch Bakery is a recipe every chocolate brownie lover should have in their "best of"
Swirled Mascarpone Brownies with Hazelnuts
Me and my mom. The love of chocolate runs in our DNA. Maybe she passed her love of the cacao to me through her umbilical cord. Or maybe she transferred
Dark Chocolate Brownies
In my book, there's just one rule to live by: The more chocolate the better. These Dark Chocolate Brownies leave me praising the Cocoa Goddesses. Hallelujiah.
German Chocolate Brownies In a Jar
It's no secret for anyone who knows me that I am a chocolate girl when it comes to sweets. I have no problem passing up a Sour Patch Kid or Cherry-flavored
Stout Chocolate Brownies Plus 20 More Great Stout Recipes
"Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy." ~ Benjamin Franklin As you'll find out when you ask me over for dinner sometime—which I'm