Goodbye Superbowl (ugh, my poor 49ers), see ya soon Mr. Groundhog (yes! Spring is in his sights!) but before I break out the daffodils and easter eggs, there's
Coconut Snowball Cookies
(Dear reader, please rewind one month and put this little sing-song to a very popular Holiday jingle in your head as you read...) “It’s finally beginning to
White Chocolate and Peppermint Christmas Wreath Cookies
Sensory overload and I love every minute of it. Freshly cut pine boughs as you brush by the tree. Cinnamon and cloves gently lollying in a saucepan of hot
Chocolate Chip Peanut Butter Cookies
The turkey has been carved, the last bits of gravy have been slurped up with a soft white roll and the last few pieces of pie have been doled out to departing
Girl Scout Thin Mint Mini Pies Plus Girl Scout Cookie Recipes
I was never a Girl Scout. I guess I either didn’t make the cut, or I just had my fill with being a Brownie, the lower tier in the scouting world. Brownies were