Happy Friday and here’s to the weekend, friends!
In This Post
This week went by at a steady clip, but curiously, I’m feeling like January is progressing at just the right pace. Most months I wonder, “Where the heck did those four weeks fly by to?” But for some reason, this month I’m feeling like January and I are right in stride.
Maybe it’s because I’m not feeling so behind in my daily to-dos because I’m saying no more than I’m saying yes.
Maybe it’s due to less time wondering/shopping/prepping/cooking what the heck we’re going to eat because I’m still gung-ho on my Sunday meal-prep. Chicken breasts cooked for salad through the week, chopped up veggies for snacks and sides, hard boiled eggs for lunches and to tide me over with protein. I can see where one could become addicted to this style of cooking.
Or maybe it’s because I’m taking back my me-time. I’ve gone back to working out with a trainer and even when I can’t walk down the stairs or sit on the toilet without groaning, it feels so good. I’m putting away the computer at night and reading books instead of searching the web, and thanks to our new couch in the family room I’m even carving out time for mindless TV time. And when I say mindless, I mean totally secret pleasure viewing of this show and this show along with my favorite Housewives.
But then…we are only two weeks in. Let’s hope all of these commitments continue. But if they don’t, I’m the only one to blame.
Snow is here and I couldn’t be happier. Sorry guys, but I want more, more, more!!
Nothing is more thrilling than watching snow flakes dance down from the skies. Last weekend we hit the slopes at my favorite resort and had the best snow for skiing, and the coolest experience of the most beautiful snow fall with blue skies.
The trees looked like they were draped with marshmallow cream and topped with sugar sprinkles. It certainly was a winter wonderland. I can’t wait to get back up there this weekend.
But enough about me, let’s get dig into this week’s Friday Faves. Heave ho, let’s go!
Okay, after last week you may think I have an Adele obsession. I don’t, but I mean, can you imagine karaoke with Adele??? Jimmy Fallon, you better step it up.
These time-saving smoothies are so smart!
Slow cooker granola. Yes!
25 healthy and comforting slow cooker soups + stews.
Fancy avocado toast. Spread it.
This classic soup. So basic, but SO good.
Oh my laws! This salad is more than a mouthful.
This recipe will totally bowl them over. Score!
One of my favorite food bloggers got a makeover! Check it out.
Top 10 food trends in 2016. I’m especially hot for #9.
I shared this chicken recipe earlier this week. Here’s a vegan version that looks delicious!
It’s January so of course I’m all about the updating/cleansing/decluttering. But I’m also thinking its time to check my smoke alarms, schedule my mammogram and change all of my passwords – here’s how to create a password you can remember!
And so…
5 things you should do every January for a fresh start and 15 things you should do at least once a year.
Awards show season alert!
The best dresses from the Golden Globes you didn’t see. But, really JLaw? This is the Golden Globes, not a backyard BBQ.
Make room ladies, it’s time for Oscar to take over. Here are the nominees and don’t forget the snubs who are still seething.
I downloaded this meditation app. Have you tried it yet?
I thought we had this week’s lottery all locked up and I’d soon be buying one of these private islands. Guess what? I’m still here.
But I don’t feel too bad. At least I’m not them: 19 lottery winners who blew it all.
“#29. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends will. Stay in touch.” 45 life lessons written by a “90 year old” woman. No matter the age, it’s sound advice for all of us!
From high brow (foie gras-stuffed quail in Las Vegas) to low country (the best hot chicken in Nashville), here are the 38 essential places to eat across the U.S.
And speaking of…
My dad bought this travel book and it looks like he and my mom are going to eat their way up the west coast. Now that’s my idea of retirement!
I said I was going to apply for this last year, and I didn’t. But I am for 2016! No security lines!
Who’s ready to escape the cold? 10 new beach hotels to visit in 2016. #10 is going on my list.
And so you’ll need…
New vacation wear! Duh!
What a fun DIY! Smudge would love this (and me too!).
10 fashion trends to expect in 2016 (but I just got rid of all my mules when I purged my closet!),
11 design trends we should retire in 2016. Uh-oh. I’m guilty of nearly every. single. one. I gotta move! But I don’t think I’ll ever give up my concrete floors.
Because it IS my favorite room in the house. Before and after bathrooms too good to not see.
Blog Biz Tips
Snapchat 101: Learn to Love the World’s Most Confusing Social Tool
How to Start a Mastermind Group
Pinning for My Dinner
Everyone is still on the healthy eats train. Enjoy it while you can, because Superbowl feasts and Valentine’s Day cookies are right around the corner. I spied a lot of quinoa on the www this week that went would make a meal. Here are a few that found their way to my Pinterest board.
Crockpot Mexican Quinoa Tacos
Total veg, but with total flavor. Hello taco Tuesday.
Roasted Broccoli and Quinoa Salad
This salad could totally go into the weekly meal plan rotation with different proteins added in for lunch all week long.
Ahi Tuna Poke Quinoa Bowl
Quinoa instead of rice. That’s nice.
Have a great weekend friends. Get in the kitchen and make something good.
As always, thank you for reading and supporting companies I partner with, which allows me to create more unique content and recipes for you. This post contains affiliate links. As always, all opinions are my own.
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Robert Smith
I like your images and recipe as well. Thanks a lot for sharing with us
Mingmei Ch'ang
I like carrot , apple and all others . All of your items are my choice here .
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Where have you been all my life? Just LOVE foodiecrush and have been telling all my pals about it. Thanks! : )
We ate at Pump in LA but I’ve never seen the show. I need to tune in! Glad you are enjoying the snow! It keeps on coming! Thanks for including my quinoa salad. Let’s do lunch! xo
Alice @ Hip Foodie Mom
Thank you so much for the shout out! You always have the best links and info. . how do you find all these gems?! Top 10 food trends for 2016: Wine in Cans and “Tempeh, kimchi, sauerkraut and gochujang dominate the list of “it” fermented foods.” this makes me so happy you don’t even know. :)
Laura (Tutti Dolci)
Your opening salad is what I want for lunch every day of the week… it looks *that* good. Sounds like the first two weeks of the year are off to a great start for you, I’m seriously impressed! I like the idea of being intentional to take back me-time.
Laura (A Beautiful Plate)
Firstly, I was this close to writing this comment under my old name, haha. Old habits die hard. Secondly, THANK YOU!!!!! I’m so happy to call you a friend and so appreciate your support and encouragement this past year. xoxox
On an unrelated note, I discovered Trello yesterday and am loving it as an organization tool! I’ve also set up double verification passwords for basically every account this year and it’s been great.
Aggie @ Aggie's Kitchen
I love that Adele video, she’s a gem! So fun.
That quote from the 90 year old woman is ON POINT.
amanda paa
i don’t care if you’ve changed things up for 2 weeks, or a year, it takes effort. and dang, the reminder i needed that my days are getting too long. now to make your killer chicken soon….. xo